Father & Daughter :)
With less maturity then intended I asked my daughter if she would mind if my next post was titled "A Boy Called Stumps!" and her answer of course was a roll of her eyes and huffing off into her room where I very clearly heard her bedroom door slam. What? I thought it was funny!
Sorry! I'm having a difficult time letting her grow up ok...and I still want her to wear bows in her hair and play with dolls. Is that so bad? so when boys are interested in her and moreover she's interested in them and one boy in particular...I get over protective and in no way apologize for it.
So we get a letter in the mail on Saturday; a note from the school. In fact it was a carbon copy of the warning our daughter got at school. A warning slip with hand written "Showing to much PDA with High school boyfriend"
Um...Can we say grounded? and of course nothing is private in this house so it's public knowledge to the older brothers who all are sitting around making me feel better about what limb they want to break of this kid and how'd they do it. It made me feel better anyway:)
Actually at one point I had to tell my second oldest son who is a few years ahead of her that we are just TALKING, not actually DOING...he was getting carried away saying how he was going to slam this offending boy into a locker....Oh BOY!
Did I mention the French/Italian heritage? ha,ha...
So...My daughter has a game to cheer at and my husband is picking her up. We have talked via text and he knows the situation.
Hubz: I'm here...game just starting
Me: Is the "Boyfriend there?"
Hubz: I don't see him...why?
Me: You need to have a talk w him about PDA w Our Daughter at School!
Hubz: What? @$%*#) ! Want me to kick his @ss?
Me: No! No! just tell him how it makes our daughter LOOK! maybe he doesn't see...
Hubz: I'd rather just break his F...ing legs!
Hubz: Ok! Ok!
So...he get home with daughter in tow and they are both smiling and in good moods. She goes off to take a shower after her game and I ask so how'd it go?
He explains that the boy in question came over and sat next to him when he saw he was at the game and my husband put his hand on the boys shoulder and said let's have a little talk...he said the boys eyes got big as saucers and he looked scared. The end result was he explained that having public displays of affection with our daughter at school was not only inappropriate but makes her look bad. That in our opinion makes her More likely to get a reputation of a certain kind...of course the boy was like oh,oh right...No, I would never want that! etc..etc..
and then my husband said of course you will respect our daughter or you will end up with bloody stumps if you get my drift...
Problem solved...for now!
Thank god she is not allowed to "date" until she is sixteen and already knows it will be chaperoned. I contested to calling him her "boyfriend" because she was getting upset when I would reference him "your little friend" . In truth I still prefer "Your little friend" as I cannot wrap my mind around "boyfriend" ugh!
In the meantime I'm escaping reality with books I bought at Goodwill. It's a great way to get to know different Authors you wouldn't necessarily pay full price to try otherwise. It's also great for some fluff reading and escapism...