Because I'm sitting here with deep conditioner in my hair; wrapped up in a tuban, wearing my hubz old sweat shirt and sweat pants...Yep the ones with the *gasp* elastic around the ankles. My face is freshly scrubbed and at present healing under a layer of oil of olay seven signs of ageing cream. I'm feeling sorry for myself! Why? because yesterday after finally calling the hubz myself to say "screw you" basically...cause you could have at least called to say Happy V Day or better yet Happy freaking 22yr Anniversary! so I was a real Bit@h and now feel bad about being one.
So I am all gloom and doom which I HATE when I get in that mood...I decided I needed to add to my wardrobe.
The last time I wore any kind of heels was to my Dad's funeral in which I had to take off my heels and had horrible blisters all over my heel and big toe. I decided to search the internet for a classic black pair of pumps ya know? the kind that go with everything...when I decided that leopard print WENT with EVERYTHING too! so I ordered one of these...
Just for fun, guess which!
Remember I was on a classic pump hunt and I don't have tons of cash to buy Uggs of which one pair of these are...Hint* mine were ordered from

my guess is either the 1st, 2nd or last pair, they're edgy but classy and would go with anything :) and im guessing the ballerinas are out becaue well you wanted heels ;) how did I do?
ReplyDeletehope you get to feeling better! and sorry about the hubs not wishinga happy vday and anniversary.. :( men are just not as romantic sometimes... gotta share the outfit witht he shoes when they arrive
lol...I took those off! That was way to obvious ha ha